Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves

On 28 January 2022, Naughty Dog and Iron Galaxy released one of the best games, Uncharted Legacy of Thieves. Naughty Dogs have released Uncharted 3, 2, and 1 for the ps 4 Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection. So Uncharted Legacy of Thieves is the remastered version of these games. It is primarily for high-end consoles and PC. This game is new, and people are thinking that we should try this game or play the old version again. So that is why in today's blog, I will tell you every detail you should know before buying uncharted Legacy Of Thieves, and at the end, I will tell you how my experience was after playing this game two times. So let's get started.

Uncharted The Lost Legacy

 In Uncharted Lost Legacy, the play has control over Chloe. Who was finding treasure in the mountain ranges of India with her ex-Friend Ross? This is a 3rd person game. Gamers can defeat enemies with two strategies stealth and aggressive. In this game, there are four main characters Chloe ( Our Main protagonist), Ross (Chloe's ex-friend ), Samuel ( Nathan Drake's brother and Chloe's treasure-hunting partner), and Arman Khurmana (The main villain of the game). The Lost Legacy was released for ps4 and Windows, but now its remastered version for ps5 is also out as Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves. This game's total sale is more than 3 million. The game is new, so I can tell you much about it because it may change.

Uncharted A Thief's End

In Uncharted A Thief's End, the player controls Nathan Drake, who is finding treasure with his brother Sam. It is also a 3rd personal game like it's all part. We have the same two strategies to defeat enemies. There are main 6 characters in the game. Nathan Drake (the main protagonist ), Samuel ( Nathan Drake's brother and his partner ), Elene ( Nathan Drake's wife and his 2 and partner), Victor ( Like Nathan Drake's Father and his 3rd partner ), Rafe ( Main Villan ) and Ross ( Rafe Friend and Uncharted The Lost Legacy Chloe friend ). The game was released for ps4 and Windows, and now it is remastered as Uncharted the Legacy of Thieves. It sold more than 21 million units till now. It's the best game of its series. It has won many significant awards. It got 93% from Metacritic, 10/10 from push square, and 10/10 from Gamespot. By fans, it gets 4.8, the best overall in the series. The best award that this game has achieved is the best console game, 2015.


Things in which both versions are different. The graphics of Uncharted Legacy of Thieves are better than the game's original version. Naughty Dogs and Iron Galaxy have worked in the game's graphics. The best graphic scene is the motorcycle scene of the game. The evening background and the shadow are the best things in the game. They have also much improved the shadow of the game. It offers Ray tracing for Ps5 but no Ray is tracing for PC. I have tried it on Ps5, too, and I have noticed that it looks more realistic on Ps5 instead of the game's Pc version. But Ps5 is also a little expensive and requires a solid Tv. Whereas Pc is a little cheaper than Ps 5. If you want the best experience, then Ps5 will be much better than a PC. Instead of playing on PC, I played on Ps5, which was more worthwhile than I thought.


Gameplay on Ps5 feels like you are playing a newly released game never feels like an old game. The new game performance of 120 and 60 fps is much better than I thought. Playing the game on Ps5 before could have been more enjoyable. It was only fun playing on Ps4, but now it is much more fun to play on Ps5. I have also noticed that the game reloads faster than its original version of Ps4. I have started a new game on ps4 and left it for a while, but now I have learned that we can also cross-play. This is so much better for those who have started but never played, but now they don't have to play the game from the beginning. Playing this game reminds me of when Uncharted 4 was released. How much craze was there to play this game. The trend about this game is again high, but different from the one before. 

I don't know why, but the picture resolution just dropped out. It was not like in Ps5 gameplay. So don't mind it. Thank you.

 Short Rewind of Story

For players who have forgotten these game stories, I am telling a short rewind of their stories So they can enjoy the game more than before.

The Uncharted Game story starts with the childhood of Nathan Drake, how he and his brother met after escaping an orphanage by doing parkour. Afterward, they went to prison, and when escaping prison, his brother fell off; Nathan Drake thought his brother died, but after many times after the events of Uncharted 1,2 and 3. One day Nathan Drake is chilling with his wife when his brother comes to his house. At first, he can't recognize who he is, then remembers he is his brother. He offered Nathan treasure hunting as he told him to give the prize to the men who saved him and helped him escape the prison. So now Nathan has no option and has to save his brother. He rejoined his old friend Victor and offered his help, and Victor accepted his request for help.

So now they set off to find the treasure. When they are on the hunt, they know that a man who owns an army also wants the glory. So his army was our main enemy who appeared after a few areas. At one time, Rufe, the main villain, caught us and told Nathan Drake that all the story his brother told him was a lie because Sam wanted Nathan to join the treasure hunt. So that is why and then Nufe shot a bullet at Nathan. Still, SSam pushed his brother Nathan and took his shot at himself, and Nathan fell off the cliff, but luckily, there was water, so they got saved. His wife came and safe his life, and then they found SSam and set off on the boat, but the ship fell again in the storm, but they both made it out, and finally, they found the treasure, but Rufe was there and set the tressure ship on fire, and then there was 1 vs. 1 between Nathan and Rufe. Rufe got defeated, but the pressure brought on fire, and they had to leave the treasure. They successfully go home, and then Nathan's wife comes to Nathan's old office and sees him. Sam gave Nathan's wife the gold coin he carried in his pocket, and he was just gone, so that was the short story Uncharted a Theft end.

The Uncharted Lost Legacy story is about a theft girl who lives in India. She has learned that there is a treasure, so she invites his ex-friend to join the hunt with her. They both set up to meet at the restricted area now captured by corrupt more solid. They got caught by the villain but get successful in escaping them. The evil soldier leader was also on the hunt for that treasure. Now they go to the location they saw on the map. There was a great wall behind that wall, the Lost Legacy. We have to open the door. After opening the door, we go to the castle. Where we get to know that Arman is also herein. We saw that Sam was caught by Arman.

 Chloe's friend, when he saw Sam got mad at Chloe because Chloe didn't tell him that Sam was also our partner in this hunt so. Rose decided to loot this treasure alone, but somehow, we made her calm, so we first saved him and continued our search again. When we are close to the prize, Arman catches us and tells us to solve the treasure puzzle; otherwise, he will kill Sam and Rose. So we give Arman a bonus and then escape him. Arman has decided to take a bomb to the city and blast it. The bomb was on the train so we had to catch it and explode it in water otherwise the city would be destroyed by the bomb. We defuse the bomb and do a 1v1 again, Arman, and we defeat him, and the train goes into the water and blasts the bomb, and with the beautiful sunset, the game ends.

No Multiplayer In Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves ( Disadvantage)

In Legacy of Thieves, I have noticed no multiplayer game now. If you see the original version of Uncharted 4 A Theft end, you will see an online multiplayer option, and the same thing is with Uncharted The Lost Legacy. The multiplayer mode was like 4 vs. 4 with a player. It was fun to play with your friend, but with online players, it is horrible, and many players didn't play it because they thought it would not be suitable as another game mode of the game like Pubg, free-fire, or Fortnite. These things make me sad about the game because I have decided that all my friends would play it together this time, but now it can't happen.

Game Experience

The uncharted game has something which always attracts the player to play these games and again. I have played this game 2 times ( mean Uncharted Legacy of Thieves ). Whenever I log in to my Ps5, My friend plays this game. One of my friends played this game 4 times. The game took 17 to 20 hours to complete for me. The only bad thing is that you can play the multiplayer version. 

How is Uncharted The Lost Legacy

The uncharted Lost Legacy has succeeded its protagonist, beautiful map, beautiful temples, and jungle of India. The game also regains as the conversation between Chloe and their ex-friend Ross. They start fighting with each other for a moment, but then they partner again. The game is fun to play because of thrilling cinematic scenes like the train scene at the end of the game. These things make the game enjoyable.

How is Uncharted A Theft's end

The Uncharted game is so successful because of its beautiful story as Nathan Drake met his brother after 9 years. The game is also famous for its beautiful moment, like when a truck is following us, and we must destroy it. There are several more scenes, like the jailbreak scene and more. Uncharted, The Lost Legacy is based on a few areas, but Uncharted A Theft's end is based on many locations like party halls, museums, and many more. The game area is mainly based on the forests of Madagascar, which is a beautiful area.


The 2 Eyes stunning game for ps4 costs 40$, and for Ps5, it costs 50%, which is still worth more than the other games, and for Windows, it also costs 50$. Which is reasonable. If you want these games cheap, buy a 20$ PS Plus premium membership for 1 month and play as much as you want. This is still cheap. On the other side, purchasing this game separately will cost you 50$ only Uncharted A theft end, and the other game Uncharted The Lost Legacy will also cost you 50$. I'm curious why Naughty Dog and Iron Galaxy are selling these two legendary games for just 50 $ on Ps5. Still, some theories say that Naught Dogs and Iron Galaxy want to get the attention of the old player again by creating its remastered version. But it's also suitable for those who always want to try these games.

Is It Worth To Buy Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves

Yes, it is definitely worth buying this game. These two games are the best of the whole series of Uncharted. The game story is suitable for gamer liking. The beefiest take a look at the bench that ran Legacy of Thieves consisted of an RTX 3080 and an i9 10900k at 4k. At all Ultra settings and native rendering, the sport by no means dipped beneath 60 frames per 2d in the most intensive situations and was typically favored to linger at around the 70-80 fps mark. This game also supports Ray tracing, which is best for Ps5 gamers. I recommend you give this game a try.

The main difference in the game is about the graphics, and the second is the amount of money. Which is better, Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves or buying the game separately for Online multiplayer? I suggest Uncharted Legacy Of Thieves. If you have yet to play this game, there are no means of purchasing a PS5 or Gaming Pc. If you enjoyed these games, play Uncharted, the Nathan Drake collection. It's a masterpiece combination of games.

I hope the Blog was informative to you. Thanks for reading 

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